Articles on TCM acupuncture

Acupuncture research project

by Fletcher Kovich


The purpose of this research project is to obtain experimental data relating to the communication between the organs and thier related acupoints (in both directions), to demonstrate every aspect of the author’s hypothesis on what acupuncture is and how it works.

This page lists the methods and equipment used in the experiments; and also provides links to datasets from selected experiments. The research is ongoing. Analysis of some of the data has been published in journal papers, while other papers are either in preparation or being processed for publication by journals.


Published papers

The Daily Variance in Impedance at Acupuncture Points [currently still in press]

The Impedance Profile of Acupuncture Points [currently still in press]

A new definition of an acupuncture meridian

A curious oversight in acupuncture research

Lost in Translation: The Misattribution of Chinese medicine Organs


Methods and equipment

Locating acupoints electrically

Monitoring impedance

Monitoring skin temperature

Access database (with macro)


Datasets for selected experiments

Impedance readings at ST-36, ST-37, ST-39, and GB-34 (18 Feb 2018)

Impedance and skin temperature readings at ST-36 while eating (2 Mar 2018)

Impedance at right ST36, GB34 and a NAP (23 March 2018)

Impedance at ST36, ST19, ST21 and Ren12 while drinking chilled water (27 March 2018)

Real-time samples of impedances at ST-36, GB-34, and a NAP (29 March 2018)

The stomach's communication with its related acupoints (8 July 2018)

Supplimental experiments to determine if "duodenal" waves at acupoints were artefact (8 July 2018)



© Copyright Fletcher Kovich 2008-18